Partners ThroughoutYour Family Law Case

Property Division

Personal Injury and Employment Claims and Your Divorce

A primary component of a divorce is the division of debts and assets between the parties. Many divorce cases involve the simple dividing bank accounts, properties, and vehicles.  However, “marital property” can also consist of more complex assets, such as business interests, assets with vesting schedules, and awards.  Less frequently but importantly, some divorces involve the division of personal injury…

Separate and Marital Property in Your Divorce

When dividing property during a divorce, Colorado Courts must first determine whether property falls under the category of marital property or separate property, before they equitably divide marital property between ex-spouses. Defining marital and separate property Put in the simplest terms, property acquired during the marriage is considered marital property, and any property acquired prior to the marriage is considered…

Student Loans and Divorce

Are my student loans considered a marital debt in my divorce? If you are like the majority of American couples, you or your partner, or both, may have incurred student loan debt during or before your relationship. You may be wondering, how does Colorado characterize student loans, and will I be responsible (at least partially) for my spouse’s student loans…

New rules regarding dividing a PERA

If you are going through a divorce and you or your spouse have a Colorado Public Employee’s Retirement Account (PERA), you will need separate court orders in order to divide the plan. To properly split the account and confirm each spouse’s right to a portion of the money, you will need a Domestic Relations Order (DRO). Although DRO forms may…

The digital divorce

While Denver moves towards “reopening,” many courts continue to limit the cases that they will hear in person. What does this mean for you and your divorce? Fortunately, as attorneys who have put ourselves at the forefront of technological advances in the legal profession, we can keep your case moving forward, even if you cannot walk through the courthouse doors.…

Dogs and divorce (Part III)

You’re Getting Divorced, but you have both fur and human children… We have discussed what happens with pets during breakups, but what happens when kids are involved? Parents separating can be devastating enough for children. Losing the comfort of their furry friends can make these life changes particularly difficult. When couples who have children are getting divorced, pet “custody” can…

Dogs and divorce (Part II)

Yesterday, we discussed what happens if you are breaking up (without being married) and you share a pet with your former significant other. Today, Meagan and Adeline discuss what courts do when people cannot agree what to do with shared pets in a divorce. You are Getting a Divorce and you Have a Dog While most people consider their pets…

Dogs and divorce (Part I)

Splitting up from your partner can be a hard transition, no matter what stage of the relationship you are in. Breaking up with a partner with whom you reside oftentimes requires dividing property that you purchased together. Children and pets can complicate the breakup, and if you married your live-in partner, the legal requirements of divorce can add another layer…

