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Denver Family Law Blog

Back To School (Part 1): Choosing A School With Your Co-Parent

In the midst of summer barbeques, camping trips, and vacations, in July, most people are trying their best to avoid thinking about school starting come the fall. However, you and your co-parent should be discussing the issue now, to avoid a common pitfall of divorced or separated couples: disagreements about where your children should attend school in the fall. This…

Affordable Divorce and Custody Options: You Don’t Have to do This Alone

One of the most frightening aspects of getting divorced or separating from the parent of your children is the potential cost.  The idea of getting professionals involved in your very personal matter can seem daunting and expensive.  Many attorneys, however, offer a variety of services that enable you to reap the benefits of legal advice, without sky high legal bills.…

Scheduling and Court Appearances: Things to Think About Before Summer (Part III)

In the third and final installment of our blog series regarding things that you should think about before the summer, we discuss how your divorce or related family law matter may be impacted by summer schedules and how to appropriately prepare. Scheduling Summer is a busy time for everyone, including your attorney and the judge handling your case.  If you…

Going through a divorce: things you should think about before summer (Part II)

The benefits of planning for the summer months in advance are not exclusive to divorces involving children. To avoid stressful conflict or potential financial issues with your divorce case during the summer months, it is best to start thinking about and preparing for the summer months now. Summer is a time when expenses generally increase. Utility bills are higher, you…

Going through a divorce with children: things to think about before summer (Part I)

Over the next weeks, we will discuss unique divorce-related issues, specific to the quickly approaching summer months.  This week, we identify issues that you should consider if you are going through a divorce or separation with children. If you are going through a divorce or separation with children, you are juggling a lot, especially during the summer months when the…

Domestic Violence And Protection Orders

In Colorado, domestic violence is defined as violence or abuse committed against someone in the context of a marriage or intimate relationship. Domestic violence does not discriminate. Anyone of any race, age, gender, religion, or sexual orientation can be a victim – or perpetrator – of domestic violence.  Domestic violence affects people of all education levels and socioeconomic backgrounds. Deciding…

Tools To Help With Difficult Co-Parenting Relationships

Appropriate communication with your co-parent is imperative to avoiding conflict. However, this is an area where people tend to struggle the most. While technology can complicate family law cases, there are a number of tools through the internet that have assisted many co-parents in overcoming communication difficulties and ultimately do a better job of parenting their child together. While many…

The Importance of a detailed parenting plan

Whether you are establishing a parenting plan for the first time or modifying an old parenting plan, establishing a detailed parenting plan will make a difference in your future co-parenting relationship and the lives of your children.  Oftentimes, parents starting the process of going through a divorce or separation believe a parenting plan simply lays out when each parent has…

Child Support: What Is It?

Working through the financial aspects of a divorce or separation can be a difficult experience, especially when children are involved. Child support is frequently a point of contention during negotiations and, therefore, it is important to remember that the Court views child support as the right of the child or children. While it can be emotional to pay or receive payment to or from…

What is Mediation and Why do I Have to Go?

If you are involved in a family law court case, you will likely be ordered by the Court to attempt to resolve the disputed issue with the Opposing Party through mediation. Many people, especially those entrenched in a hotly contested issue involving their family, do not think that mediation will be productive and wonder why it is required. Mediation is,…

