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Domestic Violence

Permanent Protection Orders: just how permanent are they?

A Permanent Protection Order can be somewhat difficult to obtain. So, the possibility of its “permanent” nature being at risk can be concerning for those seeking the protection order. While modification and dismissal are difficult, it is important to be aware that both are possible. To obtain a Permanent Protection Order, you first have to obtain a Temporary Protection Order.…

Protection orders and stay at home orders

If you have experienced domestic violence and are currently living with your abuser, the uncertainty around the current global health crisis is impacting you even more than most. When both parties must be in the house for all or the majority of the day, tensions are likely to rise. There is also a great deal of economic uncertainty for many…

Co-parenting with a protection order

Co-Parenting with your child(ren)’s other parent can often be a difficult challenge, especially when there have been instances or allegations of domestic violence or abuse. Sometimes, these concerns can lead to one parent having a protection order against the other. Protection orders are helpful in trying to ensure a party’s safety, but they can complicate the logistics of co-parenting. It…

Temporary orders: what are they and why might I need them?

When you are going through a divorce or child custody case, if no orders or agreements are in place regarding issues like parenting time, sharing of expenses, and temporary child or spousal support, it may become necessary for you to request a temporary orders hearing from the court. Colorado Revised Statutes 14-10-108 permits a party to request Temporary Orders “in…

Domestic Violence And Protection Orders

In Colorado, domestic violence is defined as violence or abuse committed against someone in the context of a marriage or intimate relationship. Domestic violence does not discriminate. Anyone of any race, age, gender, religion, or sexual orientation can be a victim – or perpetrator – of domestic violence.  Domestic violence affects people of all education levels and socioeconomic backgrounds. Deciding…

