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Family Law

Working with the Legislature

Our legislators have been incredibly busy creating and discussing new laws in Colorado this year! Did you know that partner Meagan Moodie is involved in the Colorado Women’s Bar Association’s Public Policy Committee? This week, we interviewed Meagan to learn more about the incredible work that she does with the CWBA to change and make new law in Colorado. Q:…

Sex, love, and dating apps

Meeting intimate partners (whether temporary or long term) on dating apps seems to have become the new normal. When and first became popular, there was a still a taboo about meeting your lifelong partner online. Now, it is not uncommon to have a friend or family member who is engaged or married to the partner they met through…

Your family law case and the global health crisis

We are living in unprecedented times. Schools are moving to virtual classes, businesses are closing their doors, and the recreational activities Colorado knows and loves are no longer available to us. The concept of social distancing is shifting from a recommendation to an expectation. At GEM Family Law, we take the safety of our clients and our staff seriously. The…

Unbundled services in your family law case

You may find yourself in a situation where you have a family law case that you need to deal with, but you do not know where to begin. Attorneys are expensive, and paying for one does not work with everyone’s budget. but you need assistance guiding you through the complexities of family law. If a large retainer is out of…

What if I cannot afford an attorney?

The cost of hiring an attorney one of the first thing that may come to mind if you are going through a divorce or other type of family law case. You may also be concerned about your ability to navigate the legal process without an attorney, and at what cost that may come to you and your family if you…

The tangible and intangible benefits of settling outside of court

If you are going through the process of litigating a divorce or family law matter, the stress of the unknown can often be the worst part. Putting your family’s future in the hands of a judge or magistrate is hard to swallow and can be daunting. The alternative to going to court and letting a judge make decisions about your…

Social media and your family law case

Going through a divorce or child custody dispute can be a stressful time. These days, people often turn to social media to express our opinions, share emotions, and even to keep up with the news. However, your social media shares, comments, photos, and statuses can be used against you in your family law case. A once harmless photo out with…

Enforcing court orders in your family law case

You’ve gone through the long and difficult process of resolving your divorce or other family law case, but now the other party will not comply with the court order. Now what do you do? In family law, there are two primary mechanisms at your disposal. Determining the best method of enforcing your court orders will depend on the particular circumstances…

Common law marriage in Colorado

In the state of Colorado, a person may be considered married, even if they did not sign and file documentation with the State.  When two people are considered “married” but they have not filed any paperwork attesting to their marriage, they are “common law” married. Only nine states, and the District of Columbia, recognize Common Law Marriage: Colorado, Iowa, Kansas,…

